
New Photo Blog [G]

I was going to put a link to an older photoblog I had at Textamerica, when I read this disturbing message:

Notice of Termination,
Upon our dismay, despite our best efforts to provide the most comprehensive and versatile moblogging platform in the world, maintenance costs have far exceeded budgeted expenses to such an extremity, the financial burden of continuing service is too high for us to bear in 2008.

In result, effective December 1, 2007, Textamerica will cease to provide moblog services to both individual and commercial users. Textamerica users have until November 30, 2007 to access existing moblogs and remove and/or archive moblog images. Textamerica domains will no longer be accessible After December 1, 2007.

Thanks for the e-mail notice guys! I tried to use the WayBack Machine to get the older photos but no-go. I do have them all but it will take some time to get them all replaced.

Anyway my pictures will be on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/opusmark/

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